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Medical Dispatch

As of July of 2004, all PSAPs in Connecticut were required by state law to offer Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) services. EMD is a medically approved system by which telecommunicators prioritize the calls for service received to ensure that the proper level of response is sent to those in need. EMD is accomplished by asking the 9-1-1 caller a series of scripted, medically appropriate questions. EMD also allows the Telecommunicator to offer lifesaving instructions to the caller if appropriate.

While State Law required the use of EMD since July of 2004, we have been offering EMD to the community since the latter part of the 1980’s. Since the inception of the program, our employees have saved, and continue to save, many lives through the use of EMD. Several of our employees have even delivered babies “over the phone” while waiting for the arrival of emergency services. EMD allows us to offer emergency medical care to the sick and injured before emergency services arrive on the scene.